The Vth Inter-Institutional Seminar: Cyber Socialization in the Conditions of Increased Uncertainty

Dear colleagues!

We are happy to invite you to the Vth inter-institutional seminar «Cyber socialization in the conditions of increased uncertainty» that unites scientists from different fields of study and practitioners. Together we can study processes of personality development in the conditions of modern technological interventions in children and parents` everyday life.

Our purpose is change-tracking of cyber practices in the conditions of global challenges and indeterminate situations. It is also important to consider the potential threats and risks of innovative technologies to health and development. We should also take into account the positive impact of technologies on society and education. We have to concentrate on the development of psychological competence and ensuring psychological well-being.

This seminar aims to increase the capacity of media and digital literacy network, as well as to develop social capital for resolving current problems.

The seminar will be held as a part of Ukrainian Cyber Security Month in 2021 and the traditional internet conference «Development of Media Psychology and Media Education in Ukraine».

The date: 4th October 2021, 10:00 AM

Format: Zoom

Host: Institute of Social and Political Psychology National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.

In collaboration with: Institute of Journalism of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Department of Sociology and Law of the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Institute of Journalism Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Department of Political Psychology and International Relations of the Faculty of Psychology National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Media Psychology Division Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The seminar is provided by the Ukrainian Association of Media Psychologists and Media Educators in cooperation with the Laboratory of Mass Communication and Media Education Institute of Social and Political Psychology National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.

We invite all participants of the All-Ukrainian Experiment in Media Education Cross-Cutting Implementation for contribution and development of the common network of experts. We are also inviting international partners to participate in the seminar.

The main goal of this seminar is the development of a multidisciplinary area for communication that is based on evidential scientific data, brings together different perspectives from which to consider new phenomena, agrees on the ways of prevention and requests for innovation seeking.

Suggested topics:

  • philosophical conceptualization of cyber socialization phenomenon in circumstances of global changes and uncertainty (posthumanism, transhumanism, cyborgization, biohacking, territoriality, physicality, critical surveys);
  • information security and cybersecurity challenges (post-truth, infodemic, deepfakes, bot farms, cyber interventions);
  • social communication and socially creative role in the modern media during uncertainty period (problems of journalism, social media, visualization, self-regulation);
  • new technologies and trends in changes of cyber practices during the last decade and thereafter (technological trends and hype, cyber accessibility, digital inequality, cyberbullying, cyber theft, sex exploitation, etc.);
  • virtual and augmented reality in education and health care (gamification, robotization, parasocial relationships, media art therapy, psychotherapy in cyberspace);
  • psychological and age-appropriate peculiarities of cyber practices in conditions of distance education;
  • children rights in cyberspace, cyber education, digital parenting;
  • media art and children/adolescence subcultures in cyberspace (social networks, blogging, cybersport, cyberpunk, fanfiction, fandoms, etc.);
  • media education and media literacy, cyber pedagogy (critical thinking, digital literacy, netiquette, cyber literacy, and cyber hygiene);
  • neuropsychological and psychophysiological aspects of cyber socialization, rehabilitation;
  • new directions in cyberpsychology in conditions of uncertainty.


The panels of the seminar will be set accordingly to the recieved materials.

Deadline for applications: 1st October




All registered participants will receive the link with the access to the virtual platform of the seminar until the 3rd October.

The participation in the seminar is free


Contact for further information: +38067 6564818 (Nataliia Umerenkova)

e-mail address


The collection of materials of the seminar will be published and uploaded to the online libraries. These materials will be available on the web-site of the Laboratory of Mass Communication and Media Education of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine:


Languages for publications: English or Ukrainian.

Recommendations for abstracts:

  • volume of material up to 10 thousand symbols;
  • files in such formats as doc, docx, rtf.

We recommend to use following settings design:

Font – Times New Roman, size – 14.
Style «Normal»; line spacing – 1,5; indentation special – 1,25; alignment – justify.
Margins: 20 mm.
Tables and images size in the text – 104×170; tables title places above the table.
The minimal size of tables font – 8.
References in square brackets, listed alphabetically; arrange in accordance to APA bibliographic style
Header elements:  in the first row left – initials and author`s last names, academic rank, scientific degree; the second row – educational institution, city, country; the next row – theses/article title (center, capital letters).


Title format: Kozak_O.O._theses_title.doc


Please mark the topic: cybersoc2021.

Deadline for theses:  1st October, 2021.

Abstracts will be published in authors` edition. Authors are responsible for the content and reliability of the materials.

We ask to use recommended formatting with the respect for organizers and participants.

By the results of the seminar, we will invite the best authors to publish their materials in the journal Scientific Studios on Social and Political Psychology (professional edition (B category), included to the catalogue of the Ministry of Educational and Science of Ukraine). Volume 48 (51).

Articles will be taken to the 1st November.

The expected date of publishing – December.

Requirements for the article formatting and the procedure for submitting – on the journal site.

If you have found a spelling error, please, notify us by selecting that text and pressing Ctrl+Enter.